First impressions are always tough to recover from. In fact, in that first seven seconds of meeting someone, our brains make all kinds of assumptions that are incredibly difficult to change. On a professional level those impressions start the minute we walk into someone’s working space. Whether that is an office, a home, a shop or a factory, the way we design those spaces absolutely reflects. It’s important to ensure the right impression. Where is the first person someone sees? Often it’s your foyer and elevator. Nailing your elevator and lobby design can be the first step towards nailing your next client.
From function to fabulous
From its drab yet genius design of the ancient Romans in 336BC, the lift has come a long way. From the flying chair to the vertical screw railway to the modern day electrical elevator, there have been some pretty incredible advancements. Since the 19th century, we have relied heavily on elevators to enable the design of modern day ‘cathedrals of commerce’ or skyscrapers.
As cabs design specifically for people, they have all of a sudden become a space to design, create and impress. We now have the unavoidable attention of our clients/guests/visitors for as long as it takes for the lift to get to its intended level.
There are some incredibly cool examples where designs have used the elevator as a feature in the design. Then there are instances where designers wait until you enter the lift to make their statement. Whether you choose to go modern or classic, there’s a great opportunity to show who you are.
Lobby for a great looking Foyer
There has been a big push towards turning design into experience, in shop front design, in elevator lobbies and even hospital foyers. Catch your audience as early as you can with an engaging and smart design.
Whether you choose to make a bold statement or a subtle one, remember this is what people see first. As is always the case, we don’t always notice the good, but we often notice the bad. Don’t let a bad interior affect your brand.
The age old conundrum – trend vs classic
As always it is so hard to find that minuscule line between trendy and aged. How to find a design that will last the test of time and yet breathe modern life to your space.
There is something fun and outrageous in pushing boundaries of modernity. You can position yourself as a design innovator and show your audience/clients that you have your finger on the pulse. Equally, you might like to show them you are steeped in tradition and antique style. You might choose to make statements with extraordinary feature pieces such as lighting, furniture or decorative items.
Just remember, be consistent. Know what your design message is and stick to it.
How to use metal to amplify your style
How can we help you make the best first impression you ask? You can easily add a splash of style just by jazzing up your fittings and railings. Perhaps your foyer furniture has metal edging that could use a new finish. There are so many soft and bold ways you can use metal in your lobby and elevator. We can play with colour and consistency to give you the look you want. Check out our huge range of finishes available to choose from. Even if you can’t see what you’re looking for on our finishes page, get in touch, because chances are we can do it.
Whether you are a trendsetter or have timeless bravura, remember how quickly we make impressions. Choose well and get in touch to discuss in detail how Astor Metal Finishes can add a touch of metallic style to your elevator and lobby.