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Alpheratz (DBBGL)
Dark Brown Bronze + Clear Gloss


Dark brown bronze is one of our most popular finishes which is achieved by  either ageing brass or aging of heavy brass plating and can be either a chocolate brown or black brown finish, or a combination of both. Refer to our Brown Bronze specification guide for specific colour range. Finished with a clear gloss to prevent ongoing change, this is a luxe finish for hardware or to sit in contrast with off form concrete for example.

Can be applied to any metal including aluminium, brass, stainless steel & mild steel. Often specified for doorware, handrails, retail fittings, signage, furniture and tapware.
  • Residential doorware & tapware
  • Crown Casino, Melbourne VIC
  • Satin Clearcoat (refer “Centauri”)
  • Unlacquered / oiled, or waxed finish
  • Can be specified as #4 (Dark Brown) or #5 (Black brown)
  • Burnished for more uneven patchy finish
  • Polished for a more reflective finish
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